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Water District Accepting Rate Assistance Program Applications

admin October 1,2014

Low-income seniors aged 62 and older are getting an opportunity to receive assistance on their water bill. The Palmdale Water District is now accepting applications for qualified households to receive up to 50% off their monthly service fee. Households must have a 5/8” or 3/4” meter, and be enrolled in either the Southern California Edison or Southern California Gas Company CARE program to be eligible.

“The Water Board unanimously approved the implementation of this program to help our low and fixed income seniors,” said Kathy Mac Laren, Board President. “This is a first come, first served program where seniors are given priority, but all low‐income households are encouraged to apply.”

The program is funded through existing lease agreements between the District and cell phone companies that have towers located on District owned property. Initially, up to $150,000 annually will be available in rate assistance, with any remaining available funds rolling over to the next year.

“Some of our customers may struggle to make monthly ends meet,” said Dennis LaMoreaux, General Manager. “This program allows those qualified households to get some relief to their tight budgets, while still receiving clean, high quality water.”

Applications will be accepted year around or until funds for the program run out. Applicants must reapply each year or anytime a move is made. The program will begin January 1, 2015.



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