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Press Release – Rate Adjustments Help Ensure Water Security for Palmdale

admin November 15,2016

On Wednesday night the Palmdale Water District passed a slight 4.25% rate modification instead of the initially proposed 5.5%. This minimal rate adjustment will increase customers monthly service fee approximately by $2.02-$2.50 per residential household. The District continues its efforts to keep rates competitively low for its customers while expanding its water portfolio to ensure local long-term water reliability.

The Palmdale Water District has made it a priority to expand its water resources by utilizing recycled water and eventually making it available to its customers. Rate payers benefit from localized water by minimizing Palmdale’s reliance on outside sources such as unreliable and costly State water. The District has developed an innovative project called The Palmdale Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project that would make regionally produced water feasible.

Comparatively, the rate adjustment passed last night would, on average, still cost Palmdale Water District customers less than what most neighboring water agencies charge monthly. Based on a survey of monthly residential rates, Palmdale Water District customers currently pay an average of $52.45/month, whereas on average customers for Quartz Hill Water District pay $53.47, LACWW Region 34 pay $57.47, and Rosamond Community Services District pay $65.48.


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