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Palmdale Water District Launches New Website

admin October 14,2014

Palmdale – The recently adopted and published District Strategic Plan provides a blueprint for how to best serve the Palmdale community. Within the five Key Initiatives, exceptional customer service and increased efficiency were guiding principles and motivation behind the creation and recent roll‐out of the new, easy‐to‐use website.

“Staying current with emerging or updated technology that provides the community access to important information, requests for services, or to pay their bills with convenience is a focus for the District and the IT Department,” said Jim Stanton, Information and Technology Manager. “The website took several months to develop, and we are very proud of the outcome.”

The District, along with help from Tripepi Smith & Associates, developed the new site which emphasizes improved transparency into District functions and Board decisions, while providing visitors with historical information, conservation program and rebate opportunities, access to public documents, comprehensive customer service options, and current news regarding statewide water issues that impact the residents.

“The people in this community are our most important asset,” said Kathy Mac Laren, District Board President.  “We appreciate our customer’s feedback regarding what works and doesn’t work for them, because it allows us to better understand how we can serve them more effectively.”

The new site features improved search functionality, an easy back end management system, a responsive design that scales to mobile devices, connectivity to third‐party applications for bill payment, RFP management for project bidding, and a clean design with rotating homepage images that are used to emphasize important District messages.



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