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Water News May 2013

The District’s “Before the First Drop” campaign is well on its way. To be entered into the drawing for a new landscape renovation, PWD customers filled out the first survey. In July, there will be another survey. All customers that turned in their first survey need to be sure and fill out the second survey to be entered into the drawing.

Water News April 2013

Our Water is still going to the FISH, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) decreased this year’s water delivery estimate from 40% to 35% of requested State Water Project water for Palmdale Water District and other state Water Contractors.

Water News March 2013

Local news articles have been written concerning shortages of water allocations from the Delta due to the Delta smelt. The Delta smelt is a small Federal endangered fish that has caused a decline in water released into the State Water Project (the California Aqueduct) and on its way to over 25 million Californians. The Department of Water Resources, who operates the State Water project, has recently reduced the supply of water to state water contractors to 40% of their entitlement.

Water News February 2013

The recent decision to raise rates in this economic climate was a difficult decision that had to be made. The average water bill is anticipated to increase approximately $1.40 per month; however some customers may see a higher increase based on actual water usage. This slight increase will provide the means to continue replacing aging water pipes, keep contaminates down, and bring you safe drinking water.

Water News January 2013

Starting January 7, 2013, the Palmdale Water District’s new “Cash for Grass” program will be in effect. The new program has been modified and PWD customers will have to participate in a train- ing program for landscape design to stay qualified for the program. Although customers will be asked to turn in a landscape design for approval, the rebate amount will be more profitable. The rebate amount is based on a sliding scale from $.50 to $2.00 per square foot depending on the condition of the customer’s existing grass.

Water News December 2012

Before the first Drop of water gets to your home there are costs involved such as; energy, equipment, maintenance and labor. The District is providing additional information on treatment and overhea

Water News November 2012

The District’s distribution system covers 403 miles of pipeline ranging in size from 4” to 42” in diameter, and is maintained along with 23 active water wells and 17 booster stations, and 22 water tanks with total storage capacity of 52.6 million gallons of water.

Water News October 2012

Palmdale Water District is pleased to present to our customers a new more informative water bill format that enables our customers to view a clear picture of their water use. There are several new features added to the bill format, the most important change that customers should be aware of is that there will be NO MORE separate late notices sent out. See the new bill format highlights and information on the inside pages.

Water News September 2012

PWD will explain with help from Aquadog’s graphics shown on the opposite page. We all get a water bill, but do we know what goes into the charges we see on our bill, not really? That is why the District wants you to know, when you look at your water bill, you know exactly why that charge is there.

Water News August 2012

PWD’s Strategic Water Resources Plan establishes the District’s objectives for future growth and identifies the steps to meet those objectives for the future needs of its customers. The population in the District’s service area is expected to double in size over the next 25 years, which in turn means that customer’s water needs will also double in size.

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