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Press Release- PWD to Mark Start of Centennial Cel...

Palmdale, CA – The Palmdale Water District is one year away from its 100th anniversary, and the celebration officially begins today with historical displays from 1918 placed at the District office and at the Palmdale City Library.  It will be followed by an Open House for the community on Aug. 5. The Open House will… Continue reading Press Release- PWD to Mark Start of Centennial Celebration with Aug. 5 Open House

Assistant General Manager Matt Knudson Looking For...

Palmdale, CA- Longtime Palmdale Water District Employee, Matt Knudson, undertakes a new adventure to nevertheless continue to further challenge himself as Assistant General Manager for a neighboring water agency, Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK). Matt was still attending high school when he began working for Palmdale Water District. He was encouraged by his drafting… Continue reading Assistant General Manager Matt Knudson Looking Forward to New Challenges- Press Release

Avanzará El Proyecto de Eliminación del Depósit...

Palmdale, CA – El 22 de marzo de 2017, la Junta Directiva del distrito de agua de Palmdale celebró una audiencia pública notó en su sala de juntas a tener en cuenta la certificación del Informe Final de impacto ambiental (EIR) y su decisión sobre el proyecto de eliminación de Littlerock depósito sediment. En esta… Continue reading Avanzará El Proyecto de Eliminación del Depósito de Sedimento en la Presa de Littlerock

Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project will...

Palmdale, CA-  On March 22, 2017, the Board of Directors for the Palmdale Water District held a noticed public hearing in its Board Room to consider certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and its decision on the Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project. At this public hearing, the District Board of Directors certified the… Continue reading Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project will Move Forward

Final Sesión del EIR Sobre el Proyecto de Elimina...

Palmdale, CA – El 22 de marzo de 2017 a las 7 pm, en la reunión de la Junta de Distrito. La Junta Directiva del Distrito tendrá en cuenta, entre otros temas, la información en el informe de impacto ambiental (EIR) y va a determinar la suficiencia de la documentación ambiental bajo la ley de… Continue reading Final Sesión del EIR Sobre el Proyecto de Eliminación del Depósito de Sedimento en la Presa de Littlerock

Final EIR Certification Hearing for Littlerock Res...

Palmdale, CA-  On March 22, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Palmdale Water District Board meeting. The District’s Board of Directors will consider, among other agenda items, the information in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and will determine the sufficiency of the environmental documentation under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Palmdale Water District, as… Continue reading Final EIR Certification Hearing for Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project

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