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Engineering Reports

Documents contained in this section are final and draft reports. The reports are organized by most recent to older reports.  The year of the report is the year it was finalized or created.  Reports that have been adopted by the District Board are noted in the title.

  • Palmdale Ditch Conversion Feasibility Study

2021 Palmdale Ditch Conversion Feasibility Study
The 2021 report is a feasibility study to determine if 7.2 miles of the earthen and concrete-lined Palmdale Ditch can be converted to a pipeline system. Once completed, the project will provide the following benefits – Increase flow capacity from 25 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 60 cfs, reduce seepage and evapotranspiration losses, and mitigate downstream flooding that occurs when Littlerock Dam is spilling. The purpose of the study is to perform hydraulics analysis and pipe sizing to convey 60 cfs from Littlerock Dam to Lake Palmdale, complete a pipe materials evaluation and recommend a material selection, evaluate water loss savings, develop feasibility level cost estimates for construction, and prioritize ditch sections for replacement.

  • Palmdale Regional Water Augmentation Feasibility Study

2021 Palmdale Regional Water Augmentation Feasibility Study
The following sections of this Technical Memorandum (TM) briefly presents the project background, scope of work, regulatory requirements, infrastructure requirements and initial costs to evaluate the feasibility of Palmdale Water District (PWD) utilizing recycled water for both surface water and/or groundwater augmentation.

  • PWD Well Rehabilitation Prioritization Plan

2021 PWD Well Rehabilitation Prioritization Plan  
The plan is to prepare a roadmap to maximize local water supply sources and reduce reliance on costly imported water. This planning document will guide PWD in decision making for future well maintenance and well replacement projects designed to optimize and maintain production capacity. It will identify those wells that are in most need of rehabilitation and that offer the best chance for success at the lowest cost. It will also identify wells that should be operated to failure while planning for replacement.

  • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (DRAFT)

2021 Local Hazard Mitigation – DRAFT
This Draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) provides guidance on mitigating against hazards including earthquakes, drought, waterborne disease, wildfire, extreme weather, terrorism, criminal activity, cyber-attack, power failure, public health emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and dam failure.

  • Well No. 36 and Well No. 37 Siting Study

2020 PWD Well Site Assess FINAL Report
This study assesses the two proposed well sites as to suitability for installation of new groundwater production wells, and identifies the site that has the greatest probability of success.

  • Water Shortage Contingency Plan (Board Adopted)

2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan
This Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) serves as a guide for the intended actions by Palmdale Water District (PWD) during water shortage conditions to improve preparedness for droughts and other impacts on water supplies by describing the process used to address varying degrees of water shortages.

  • Urban Water Management Plan (Board Adopted)

2020 Urban Water Management Plan
2020 Urban Water Management Plan – Final Appendices
The 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP, Plan) for the Palmdale Water District (PWD) service area. This section describes the general purpose of the Plan, discusses Plan management and implementation of urban water management goals.  Additionally, the plan provides general information about the PWD and its service area characteristics.

  • Palmdale Recycled Water Authority (PRWA) Plans

PRWA Recycled Water Master Plan – Final January 2015
The recycled water master plan was developed to determine the necessary infrastructure to provide recycled water for non-potable uses.   Palmdale Recycled Water Authority (PRWA)  was formed by mutual agreement between the Palmdale Water District and the City of Palmdale in an effort to  manage recycled water that is generated by the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant to be used within the Palmdale area.

PRWA Recycled Water Facilities Plan – Mitigated Negative Declaration – Final January 2015
Palmdale Water District prepared a draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) that provided an environmental review and impact analysis of projects in their 2010 Recycled Water Facilities Plan.

PRWA Recycled Water Facilities Plan- Mitigated Negative Declaration Amendment No. 1 – Final August 2020
Palmdale Water District prepared an Addendum for the 2015 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Addendum provides an environmental review and impact analysis of necessary minor modifications to Phase 2 of the 2015 Palmdale Recycled Water Authority Plan.

  • Water System Master Plan (Board Adopted)

2016 Water System Master Plan – Final Report December 2016
The 2016 plan is prepared as an update to Palmdale Water District’s previous 2007 Water System Master Plan. This evaluation includes determining needs to address existing system deficiencies and facility requirements to meet rising demands over the next twenty-five years.

2017 Water System Master Plan – Notice of Preparation – Environmental Impact Report
This Notice of Preparation (NOP) has been prepared to notify agencies and interested parties that the Palmdale Water District (PWD) is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for its 2016 Water System Master Plan (WSMP or proposed project).

2018 Water System Master Plan – Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (37MB)
2018 Water System Master Plan – Final Program Environmental Impact Report (6MB)
This Purpose of the Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) has been prepared to address the potential environmental impacts associated with implementing the Water System Master Plan, which consists of numerous water system facilities to be developed and implemented over a long time period.

  • Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project (Board Adopted)

2015 Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project: Draft Environmental Impact Report (Board Adopted)
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) includes an executive summary and an introduction to the proposed Project; describes the proposed Project; discusses existing environmental conditions in the Project area; and assesses the proposed Project’s potential environmental impacts. The Draft EIR also addresses the extent to which the proposed Project would incrementally add to environmental effects caused by other projects; evaluates growth impacts, unavoidable adverse impacts, and irreversible environmental changes; evaluates alternatives to the proposed Project; describes environmental effects found not to be significant and not requiring detailed analysis in the EIR; references cited; and provides lists of EIR preparers.

2016 Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project: Final Environmental Impact Report (Board Adopted)
This Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) includes comments received during the public review period and PWD’s responses to those comments.

  • Strategic Water Resource Plan (Board Adopted)

2023 Strategic Water Resources Plan – Draft
A presentation on the updated Strategic Water Resources Plan. In July 2023, PWD will post the draft report and start the Environmental Impact Study.

2010 Strategic Water Resources Plan: Final Report (Board Adopted)
Palmdale Water District (PWD) has prepared this Strategic Water Resources Plan (SWRP) to establish guiding objectives and identify necessary steps in order to meet the projected future needs of its customers. To understand where PWD should be placing its emphasis, PWD has developed this plan that considered all the different options available to it, evaluated these options with respect to a variety of factors including cost, reliability, flexibility, implementability and sustainability.

2011 Strategic Water Resources Plan: Environmental Impact Report (Board Adopted)
The Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) incorporates, by reference, the Draft PEIR (included here as Appendix A) prepared by Palmdale Water District (PWD) for the Strategic Water Resources Plan (SWRP or proposed project) (State Clearinghouse No. 2010101091) as it was originally published and the following chapters, which include revisions made to the Draft PEIR.

2001 Water System Master Plan Update (Board Adopted)
The 2001 Water Master Plan has been developed to evaluate the existing water distribution system and determine system improvements over the next ten years, covering only the District’s main system. The process of performing this work included the development of a detailed, 24-hour computer model of the District’s transmission system to simulate existing and future conditions. In addition, an in-depth analysis of the water sources available to the District has been conducted and available alternatives for meeting the District’s future water needs have been developed.

  • Other Plans

2011 Garden Bar Preliminary Study
The South Sutter Water District, in association with the Castaic Lake Water Agency, the Palmdale Water District, the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, and the Cities of Napa and American Canyon (referred to collectively as “Project Partners”), is considering development of a new water supply project to provide an incremental water supply to meet their water supply needs. The Garden Bar Reservoir Project has been identified as a project that could provide an incremental water supply.

2012 LAFCO Palmdale Water District Municipal Service Review
The Municipal Service Review Report reviews the agency/focus area of service delivery. Additionally, the agency’s infrastructure, governance functions, and capacity based on projected growth in the area are evaluated along with any identified issues, needs and/or deficiencies.

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