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AV Water Partners Sponsor “Fix a Leak Week”

admin March 17,2011

PALMDALE, CA, March 17, 2011 ‐ To honor the EPA’s “Fix a Leak Week,” the AV Water Partners are sponsoring a show & tell at the Home Depot, 44226 20th St. West, in Lancaster, Saturday, March 19, at 10:00 am. Professional landscaper, Chris Gudmundson, of GLI Landscape, will be showing consumers how to fix those costly leaks. Come join Palmdale Water District, Quartz Hill Water District and Rosamond Community Service District (the AV Water Partners) at the Home Depot; there will be plenty of information and give-a-ways.

The EPA’s third annual “Fix a Leak Week” runs from March 14 through March 20, and the EPA hopes that this event will inspire homeowners to check for leaks, while at the same time raising awareness of any rebate programs sponsored by local water Districts to their customers. And since we’re all paying closer attention to our bottom line, it makes sense to tout the fact that, according to the EPA, “easily corrected household leaks can increase homeowners’ water bills by 12%.”

Did you know that one household leak could amount to 90 gallons per day in nonrevenue water? Approximately up to 6 billion gallons of water per day are lost to leaks and damaged conveyance systems. To put that in perspective, that same amount of water would be more than enough to satisfy the thirst of 10 of the country’s largest urban centers. Across the country, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water per year—enough to supply the water needs of Los Angeles and three other major cities combined.

“Fix a Leak Week” tips include:
Check for leaks. Silent toilet leaks can be found by putting a few drops of food coloring into the
tank and seeing if color appears in the bowl before you flush. Don’t forget to check irrigation systems and spigots, too.
Look for the Water Sense label when replacing plumbing fixtures, which are independently certified to use 20% less water and perform as well as or better than standard models.


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